Desire Asiimwe

Desire Asiimwe

Desire is an IT Service Management professional working and living in Kampala Uganda. She is a highly experienced ICT professional, with a strong background in information systems, ICT operations management, applications and project management.

Desire is very passionate about girl child education, STEM, women leadership and community service.

Desire has been serving as a Programs and Gender Advisor, and as mentor under Triskelion Education & Skills Initiative (TESI) since 2019 where she plays a vital role in guiding and advising young people in all matters academic and life.

She holds a Bachelor of Information Systems from Muni University, Arua and is currently completing MSc. Embedded and Mobile systems at The Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology, Arusha, Tanzania.

She is a SUSI alumna and loves to serve humanity.
